Galvanizing line consist of four sections, Acid pools, Drying, Hot dipped, and passivation.
Firstly tructural materials carrieages via Transfer hanging and are kept in the acid pools with help of cranes. After a certain time , the materials in the drying oven and as later during the galvanizing process is immersed in the pool. This is done after the passivation process and thus the process is completed.
System is controlled by two separated sequences porgram via PLC . All cranes can be work automatically and manualy.
Products Frequency Drive + Encoder
10'' HMI L CPU +DI,DO,AI Module RS485/422 Com. Module Wireless Ethernet Gateway Absolute Lineer Encoder Rotational Encoder Brake Resistor Load Cell CCTV
Rollingmiles are high tonnage cranes. Generally, these cranes are made through a single shaft load sharing with two engines shown below. Two frequency inverter work as master and slave. Slave inverter follow master inverter also shaft controlled as a single engine.
Products Frequency Drive + Encoder
Opt. Brake Units Brake Resistor Load Cell Remote Control AI,AO Option Card
Below specs shown in 7'' HMI • Actual Load • Distances of trolley • Rotation angle
• Wind speed
• Total working time
• Limit load according to trolley distance. • Alarms • All motors Current, Speed, Frequecy • Maintenance timers • Black box( Logged all actions every second for 10 year)
Products Frequency Drive + Encoder Wind rose HMI PLC Encoder Remote Control (Optionall) Load Cell Joystick Brake Resistor Brake Unit
Gantry cranes are a type of crane built atop a gantry, which is a structure used to straddle an object or workspace. They are also called portal cranes, the "portal" being the empty space straddled by the gantry. The terms gantry crane and overhead crane (or bridge crane) are often used interchangeably, as both types of crane straddle their workload. The usual distinction drawn between the two is that with gantry cranes, the entire structure (including gantry) is usually wheeled (often on rails).
Frequency Inverters have special crane macros. Most importans are
Antisway funciton for trolley, and Regenerative brake.
Antisway application video
Especially over 20 ton cranes strongly recommended to use regenerative frequency inverter for energy saving.
Products Frequency Drive Brake Resistor Brake Unit Encoder Card(Optional) Load Cell(Optional) Remote Control Load Monitoring(Optional)